您好,欢迎光临莱州聚峰机械有限公司网站! 主营自动搅拌车,搅拌一体车,自动上料搅拌车等各种规格的产品。



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发布时间:2020-10-10 来源:http://www.jfhntjbc.com/ 浏览量:0

概述:  自动搅拌车属于专用车,在购买自动上料搅拌车的时候,客户先考虑的应该的就是问题,物有所值吗,小型水泥混凝土自动搅拌车从几
  The automatic mixer is a special truck. When purchasing the automatic loading mixer, the first thing customers should consider is the price. Is it worth the price? The price of small cement concrete automatic mixer varies from tens of thousands to more than 300000 yuan. We should be careful when choosing. It is not that the three pieces and two pieces are lost when they are not easy to use. How can we identify the quality of the automatic mixing truck What about quantity and price? The following automatic mixer manufacturers from a professional point of view to explain to you what factors affect the price of automatic feeding mixer.
  1、 Factors affecting the price of automatic mixer
  1. Quality of mixer truck
  As the saying goes, "one price, one goods", the quality of mixer truck is the main factor to determine its price. The better the quality of the mixer, the higher the price. Kaixing machinery is here to remind customers of purchasing concrete mixer truck, not only greedy for the price advantage of low-cost equipment, but also pay more attention to the quality of equipment, so as to avoid buying inferior mixer equipment.
  2. Market supply and demand
  If the market demand for mixer truck is greater than the manufacturer's supply, the price of mixer truck will naturally rise; otherwise, the price of mixer truck will decrease.
  3. Price of raw materials
  Steel is the framework of mixer truck, especially the special steel consumption of wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant mixer directly determines the price of mixer truck. 90% of a mixer truck is made of steel, and a small increase in the price of steel will affect its ex factory price.
  4. Supporting services
  The service life of the mixer truck is generally as long as ten years, which inevitably leads to some small faults affecting the production efficiency. Whether the supporting service of the mixer provided by the manufacturer is perfect or not is also a factor affecting the price.
  2、 The method of distinguishing the quality of mixer truck1、看材质,材质是觉得滤芯好坏的决定因素,好的材质具有耐腐蚀,耐压,阻力小等特点。如高分子纤维的意大利产质量非常可靠。
  1. Looking at the material, the material is the decisive factor of the quality of the filter element. A good material has the characteristics of corrosion resistance, pressure resistance and small resistance. For example, the Italian production of polymer fiber is very reliable.
  2. Observe the contact between the end cover of the filter cartridge and the metal.
  3. See whether the filter element of mixer truck can be recycled, whether it can be cleaned with water, and how long its service life is.
  4. Consider the filter element precision and air permeability of mixer truck.
  The above is about what factors affect the price of automatic mixer, hope to help you, if you have other questions, please consult our website http://www.jfhntjbc.com 。
