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发布时间:2020-12-03 来源:http://www.jfhntjbc.com/ 浏览量:0

Automatic concrete mixer in use will encounter this situation: automatic concrete mixer mixing tank idle speed does not rotate, so what is the cause? Let's take a look.
The working speed of the mixing tank of the automatic concrete mixer truck should not be lower than 650 rpm. According to the design parameters of the heavy chassis engine, it can be known that its normal working speed is 950 rpm. In the working process, if the automatic concrete mixer tank does not rotate at idle speed, we can start from the following three aspects. Let's take a look at the possible causes of the tank idling of the automatic concrete mixer truck There are three reasons for not turning fast
1、 Check whether the hydraulic oil is clean. There is a negative pressure gauge on the radiator. If the indicator needle points to the red area, it means that the oil should be changed and the filter element should be changed;
2、 It is also possible that the meter head fails, and you can directly check whether the hydraulic pressure is blackened or emulsified;
3、 Test the pressure to see if there is blockage of the hydraulic shuttle valve, and special personnel shall confirm it on site.
The above three reasons will lead to the automatic concrete mixer tank idling, car owners can check and solve the problem one by one according to the situation.
