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发布时间:2021-01-08 来源:http://www.jfhntjbc.com/ 浏览量:0

After using the automatic mixer for a period of time, we gradually understand that some parts need to be replaced frequently. Let's give you a detailed introduction. Which parts of automatic mixer need to be replaced frequently? With the development of modern industry, when concrete mixer is widely used, do you often replace parts? Let's talk about which parts we need to replace regularly!
1. Irregular replacement of mixer engine lubricating oil
一般情况下 ,国内销售的自然吸气搅拌车发动机车型厂家会要求用户在行驶50001.5万的时候更换润滑油,而增压自动搅拌车型则要求在行驶5000的时候更换,如果搅拌车不怎么开或者直处于停驶状态,好每一年更接一次机油,如果司机的环境以及油品质量都还不错,可以适当的延长换油周期和时间。
Normally The domestic manufacturers of naturally aspirated mixer engines will require users to change the lubricating oil when driving 5000 km and 15000 km, while the supercharged automatic mixer engines will require users to change the lubricating oil when driving 5000 km. If the mixer doesn't drive much or is in a straight stop state, it is better to add the engine oil once a year. If the driver's environment and oil quality are good The oil change cycle and time can be extended appropriately.
2. Change oil core irregularly
The attrition of automatic mixer is accelerated. It can also increase the amount of gasoline absorbed and cause damage
The above is the content of "which parts of the automatic mixer need to be replaced frequently". I hope it can help you. For more information, please click our website: http://www.jfhntjbc.com 。
