您好,欢迎光临莱州聚峰机械有限公司网站! 主营自动搅拌车,搅拌一体车,自动上料搅拌车等各种规格的产品。



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发布时间:2021-01-19 来源:http://www.jfhntjbc.com/ 浏览量:0

概述:自动搅拌车出车前应该注意检查哪些地方?What should be paid attention to before the automatic mixer goes out?1、仔细检查
What should be paid attention to before the automatic mixer goes out?
1. Carefully check and properly handle the troubleshooting.
The concrete can't be stopped for more than 2 hours, and the concrete can't be stopped from C40 to other leaders.
Check the engine oil, antifreeze, grease and cooling circulating water of the vehicle before starting the fire. If it is found that it is not working, add it again.
After the vehicle is running, let the bottle roll at low speed, tightly hold the vehicle, check the tire pressure standard, if there is any leaking tire, and then screw it
The knife picks out the broken stones in the seam of the tire, and checks whether there are iron nails in the tire!
Check the lighting, especially the waist lamp, and make sure that it is facing the outer edge of the tire. The construction site will always pile up things like steel bars, and the foundation of the sidewall is weak.
Use dishcloth to clean the reversing mirrors on both sides. The windows and doors are separated. The real-time road conditions on the construction site are messy and the light source is not good. The visual field must be guaranteed first!
2. Make sure there is enough water in the water storage tank and additives.
Due to various reasons, the material is too dry, there is no water, and the time when the material can not be put in, the admixture is a straw, otherwise the stuffy pot will wait for you.
3. Check that the tank car is in termination.
Because when the diesel engine starts, if the bottle is in rolling condition, the force in a moment will be great, which will damage the reducer.
The above is the content of the inspection before the automatic mixer goes out. I hope it can help you. For more wonderful information, please click our website: http://www.jfhntjbc.com
