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发布时间:2021-03-29 来源:http://www.jfhntjbc.com/ 浏览量:0

概述:一辆混凝土运输搅拌车各个系统都正常,但就是无法启动,这是什么原因造成的呢?接下来就教大家诊断的要领。Each system of a concrete
Each system of a concrete mixer is normal, but it can't be started. What's the reason? Next, I will teach you the essentials of diagnosis.
1. Identify the cause of the obstruction. To deal with the diagnosis of the concrete mixer unable to start, the battery should be tested first. We need to find out whether the battery is low.
2. Check and start the system. Check the circuit in its starting system. From the fundamental form of composition, the starting system circuit generally includes: battery, starting motor and the cable adjacent to these components. In addition, incineration switch, starter relay or electromagnetic coil, as well as on-board anti-theft system are also important components of the starting system.
3. It is found that the burning timing belt is slipping, which is the reason why there is no spark and it can not be started.
4. Check the quality of electric spark. The incinerating coil can be removed and an electric spark detector can be used to detect whether the electric spark is normal.
5. Test the fuel system. The diagnosis of its fuel system can be divided into two parts: the diagnosis of fuel supply system and the diagnosis of fuel injector circuit system. The fuel supply system can be detected by measuring the fuel flow and pressure. A good way to measure the fuel flow is to detect the fuel supply pipeline with load.
6. Detection of anti-theft system: its anti-theft system will also have some often overlooked obstacles in the fuel supply system. Some mixer manufacturers include parameter identification function in data stream of anti-theft system. In many models, the anti-theft system module is replaced without proper initialization.
The above is the main point of the diagnosis of the concrete mixer truck can not start, of course, other aspects not mentioned will also have an impact on it, I hope the above content can give you some reference. For more information, please click on the website: automatic mixer http://www.jfhntjbc.com
