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发布时间:2022-01-08 来源:http://www.jfhntjbc.com/ 浏览量:0

01 during cold start, please remember to idle for 5-10 minutes (15-20 minutes in severe cold season), and then reciprocating low-speed no-load operation for 3-5 times, and start working after the system is fully preheated. (before starting the vehicle, be sure to check whether the joystick of the control device is in the stop position. If the tank is rotating at high speed when the engine is started, the instantaneous force will be very large, which will easily cause damage to the reducer and pump motor system.)
02 in cold winter, after starting the mixer truck, keep the engine of the mixer truck at about 1100 rpm, and let the mixer truck warm up before starting. During this period, do not step on the accelerator sharply or let the engine speed be too high. When preheating, you don't have to wait for the engine temperature of the mixer truck to rise to the optimal temperature before starting, as long as the pointer of the thermometer starts to rise.
03 start in winter must be very soft and slow. Don't rush forward with one foot of the accelerator. On the one hand, this is to minimize the load of the mixer engine when it does not reach the normal operating temperature. On the other hand, it is also to let the tire have a gradual heating process when it is not hot and still in a hard state. The soft starting mode is good for the engine, tires and safety of the mixer. Finally, before starting, it is also necessary to ensure that the control handle is in the stop position to avoid impact damage to the hydraulic system caused by loaded starting.
04 the weather is getting colder and colder, and rainy and snowy weather will occur more frequently. Everyone must pay attention to safety and keep the distance between vehicles during driving. Observe the road icing at any time, slow down in advance and pass slowly. When driving in rainy and snowy weather, keep a good distance from the vehicle. Do not slide in neutral, turn the direction sharply and step on the brake sharply. The speed should be controlled below 40km / h.
05 during construction in winter, due to the low ambient temperature, the operation of the mixer truck is in an unfavorable working condition. The viscosity of the hydraulic oil increases at low temperature, which increases the pipeline oil flow resistance and pump oil suction resistance. Special attention should be paid to this situation during operation to avoid damaging the equipment.
06 in the process of waiting for unloading, it is strictly prohibited to stop the drum for a long time. Stopping the tank for a long time is easy to cause the deposition and bonding of concrete materials, especially in winter, the cold weather will accelerate the bonding of concrete, which is more likely to lead to the loss of solid tank.
07 the vehicle body shall be kept clean and tidy in winter. Due to the insulation tank clothing, it is necessary to timely check whether there are foreign matters at the gap between the reducer and the tank body. If so, it shall be cleaned in time to avoid damaging the oil seal and causing oil leakage.
08 after winter work or when the vehicle is out of service, drain the water in the water tank and hose with the drain valve to prevent the parts from being damaged due to supercooling and icing. The pressure regulating valve has been adjusted before leaving the factory. It is forbidden to adjust it without authorization.
