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发布时间:2022-01-17 来源:http://www.jfhntjbc.com/ 浏览量:0

The engine oil of lightweight mixer truck can play the performance of cleaning, sealing, lubrication, rust prevention and cooling. The oil sold in the current sales market is mainly composed of synthetic base oil and mineral base oil, which are configured with auxiliary and additives. When the vehicle engine is running, it will rub against the cylinder wall with the piston ring, so metal powder will be produced.
The oil change cycle of the engine oil also needs to be determined according to the driving road conditions and environment of the lightweight mixer. For example, for those long-term driving in the urban area, the vehicle will often start frequently, and will accelerate the engine wear and oil pollution faster. In this case, the oil change cycle will also be shortened.
For the new lightweight mixer truck, because the fitting clearance between parts will be more precise, it should use the engine oil with good fluidity and low viscosity. However, for the older vehicles, because the clearance of parts is more worn, the engine oil with high viscosity can be used.
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