您好,欢迎光临莱州聚峰机械有限公司网站! 主营自动搅拌车,搅拌一体车,自动上料搅拌车等各种规格的产品。



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发布时间:2020-07-20 来源:http://www.jfhntjbc.com/ 浏览量:0

概述:  现如今,混凝土搅拌车设备运用也越来越广泛了,混凝土搅拌车设备的型号种类越来越多,如何选择一个合适的混凝土搅拌车就显得重要了。让
  Nowadays, the use of concrete mixer equipment is more and more widely, the types of concrete mixer equipment are more and more, how to choose a suitable concrete mixer is very important. Let's take a look at the function and classification of concrete mixer.
  What is the function of concrete mixer truck混凝土搅拌车主要的用途就是把已经在混凝土搅拌车里搅拌好的混凝土或砂浆运送到施工现场,由于混凝土搅拌车的搅拌罐是可调速旋转搅拌的,因此混凝土用搅拌车运送就能更大限度的保证在运送规定距离和时间内不离析,粗骨料不沉降,保持良好的和易性.混泥土搅拌车多用于商混站和大型工程的施工.须配有能让罐车通过并接料的高架式搅拌站(机).
  The main purpose of the concrete mixer is to transport the concrete or mortar that has been mixed in the concrete mixer to the construction site. Since the mixing tank of the concrete mixer can be adjusted and rotated, the concrete can be transported by the mixer truck to a greater extent to ensure that there is no segregation and no settlement of coarse aggregate within the specified distance and time, Keep good workability. Concrete mixer truck is mostly used in the construction of commercial concrete plant and large-scale project. It must be equipped with an elevated mixing station (machine) that can let the tank truck pass through and receive materials另外混凝土搅拌车还有一个捎带用途就是能运送与荷载混凝土同等方量的水泥搅拌车是短距离运送混凝土的运输设备,搅拌车是把水泥以及沙石等建材混合的设备.
  In addition, the concrete mixer has a byproduct that can transport the same volume of cement as the load concrete. The mixer truck is the transportation equipment for short distance transportation of concrete, and the mixer is the equipment for mixing cement, sand and stone and other building materials.
  Mixer truck is mainly used in the construction industry on-site mixing, and the concrete mixed by mixing equipment should be transported to the place where the concrete is used.
  Generally, mixer truck is used in mixing station. Now, commercial concrete is generally promoted in large and medium-sized cities, which can save cost and reduce dust pollution.
  Main categories:
  1. According to the mixing principle, it can be divided into three parts(1)自动式搅拌车;
  (1) Automatic mixer;
  (2) Forced mixer.
  2. According to the shape of mixing tank:
  (1) Drum type;
  (2) Cone type;
  (3) Disc type.
  3. According to the nature of work:
  (1) Periodic working mixer;
  (2) Continuous working mixer
  matters needing attention:
  1. The concrete mixer truck shall be provided with secondary leakage protection. After the power supply is connected before going to work, it shall be checked carefully, and it can be used only after passing the test run without load.
  2. After starting the machine, pay attention to the normal operation of each part of the concrete mixer. When stopping the machine, check whether the blades of the concrete mixer are bent and whether the screws are broken or loose.
  3. Check whether the transmission clutch and brake are flexible and reliable, whether the wire rope is damaged, whether the track pulley is in good condition, whether there are obstacles around and the lubrication of various parts.
  4. The concrete mixer truck shall be set in a flat position, and the front and rear axles shall be padded with square timber to make the tires empty, so as to avoid walking when starting.
  5. After work and when the machine is not in use, the switch should be switched off and the switch box should be locked to avoid problems.
