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发布时间:2020-08-03 来源:http://www.jfhntjbc.com/ 浏览量:0

概述:  每次卸货时,请使用槽车将水枪移槽口,叶片,进水口,罐体和角落,以停止冲洗并防止后融化的混凝土沉积物。清洁并不容易。向水箱中倒
  Each time unloading, please use the tanker to move the water gun to the notch, blade, water inlet, tank body and corner to stop flushing and prevent post melting concrete deposit. Cleaning is not easy. After pouring more than 1 cubic meter of pure water into the water tank, the main body of the water tank rotating on the ground will stop cleaning. It can be cleaned at any time during operation, and can be thoroughly cleaned after stopping the refueling machine.
  Automatic mixer water supply process: control the air pressure and fix the joint. The tank pressure is set at the factory. You don't have to adjust yourself. It is suggested that the air pressure should be controlled at 3.5Mpa.
  Due to different raw materials, the specific quality of each pallet is slightly different. When loading concrete, please carefully check the slump and connection, and pay attention to premature melting and stratification of concrete to prevent its transportation to the site. It cannot be used, it destroys labor and material resources. Pay attention to the transport distance, which may change the specific performance. We recommend that the diameter of this distance be kept within 30 km.
  Before leaving the vehicle, please plan the traffic situation of the automatic mixer. However, this only increases the travel time of the vehicle on the road. Whenever you encounter man-made or irresistible elements that cannot be discharged, check the condition of the tank. After the concrete begins to melt, the material shall be drained immediately to avoid damage to the entire tank.
  The above is about the automatic mixer related content introduction, hope to help you, want to know more content, welcome to click our automatic mixer http://www.jfhntjbc.com Official website.
