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发布时间:2020-09-07 来源:http://www.jfhntjbc.com/ 浏览量:0

概述:  冬季大部分地区都是雨雪季节,因此一些搅拌站和工地都会选择停工,在没有工作做的时候水泥自动搅拌车会停靠在车库里,这个时间必定不能
  Winter is the rainy and snowy season in most areas, so some mixing plants and construction sites will choose to stop work. When there is no work to do, the cement automatic mixer will park in the garage. At this time, the maintenance of the vehicle, especially the chassis, must not be ignored. In winter to maintain the concrete mixer chassis, it is necessary to do chassis cleaning and antirust treatment.
  First of all, the chassis should be cleaned as a whole. If there is too much dirt on the chassis, it should be washed with degreasing detergent to make the chassis show its original color before rust prevention. What should be noted in the middle is that after cleaning, it is necessary to wait until the moisture on the chassis is completely dry before rust protection. In the care, we must adhere to the uniform spray coating to form a layer of uniform antirust coating with long-lasting preservation. 5-10 minutes after the completion of the natural air drying, chassis antirust treatment is completed.
  After the chassis care, do not use alkaline cleaning agent, washing powder, etc. to wash the body and chassis, or it will affect the anti rust effect and shorten the anti rust time. I hope the above is helpful for you. Thank you for reading!
