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发布时间:2020-12-22 来源:http://www.jfhntjbc.com/ 浏览量:0

The driving power of the automatic feeding mixer comes from the engine. The engine drives the driving device to make the mixer run, so the driving device of the mixer is also very important. The driving device of the automatic feeding and mixing vehicle also needs to be maintained. The following points should be done for its maintenance:
1. 万向转动部分是故障多发部位,要按时加注润滑脂,并要经常检查磨损情况,及时修理更换,自上料搅拌车的车队一般都有备用的万向轴,以保证一旦发生故障就能在几十分钟内恢复工作。
1. The universal rotating part is a fault prone part, so it is necessary to add grease on time, regularly check the wear condition, repair and replace it in time. The fleet of loading mixer generally has spare cardan shaft, so as to ensure that the work can be resumed in dozens of minutes in case of failure.
2. 保证液压油的清洁,混凝土搅拌一体车的作业环境一般都比较差,因此一定要防止污水泥沙进入液压系统。液压油要按照使用手册要求定期的进行更换,平时如果发现液压油中混入水或者泥沙,一定要立即停机清洗液压系统、更换液压油。
2. To ensure the cleanness of hydraulic oil, the working environment of concrete mixer truck is generally poor, so it is necessary to prevent dirty cement sand from entering the hydraulic system. The hydraulic oil should be replaced regularly according to the requirements of the user manual. If water or sediment is mixed in the hydraulic oil, it is necessary to stop the machine immediately to clean the hydraulic system and replace the hydraulic oil.
3. 要保证液压油冷却装置有效,要定时清理液压油散热器,避免散热器被水泥堵塞,检查散热器电动风扇运转是否正常,防止液压油温度超标。液压部分只要保证液压油清洁,一般故障不会多,不同的液压系统的使用寿命也不相同。
3. To ensure the effectiveness of the hydraulic oil cooling device, regularly clean the hydraulic oil radiator to avoid the radiator being blocked by cement, and check whether the electric fan of the radiator operates normally to prevent the temperature of the hydraulic oil exceeding the standard. Hydraulic part as long as the hydraulic oil is clean, the general fault will not be many, the service life of different hydraulic systems is also different.
Proper maintenance of the driving device of the automatic feeding mixing truck can ensure that its power plays a greater role. No matter what brand and how generous the mixer is, the driving device is necessary. Therefore, friends driving the mixer must pay attention to timely maintenance of the driving device, so that the power of the mixer can be fully exerted.
The above is the introduction of how to maintain the driving device of the automatic feeding and mixing truck. I hope it can help you. For more information, please click our website: http://www.jfhntjbc.com 。
