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发布时间:2021-12-16 来源:http://www.jfhntjbc.com/ 浏览量:0

概述:一:在操作自动喂料搅拌机时,脚跟靠近驾驶室的地板,脚踏板和加速踏板保持平行,并且加速踏板缓慢踩下。1: When operating the autom
1: When operating the automatic feeding mixer, keep the heel close to the floor of the cab, keep the pedal parallel to the accelerator pedal, and press the accelerator pedal slowly.
2: The throttle should always be stable when the automatic feed mixer is running. Under normal conditions, the throttle opening is about 70%.
3: When operating the automatic feeding mixer, the foot pedal shall be separated from the brake pedal and placed flat on the cab floor. Automatic loading mixers usually work on uneven construction sites. If you keep your foot on the brake pedal, your body will move up and down, and the driver will inadvertently step on the brake pedal. In general, it is necessary to control the state of the engine and transmission gear by controlling the deceleration of the throttle. This not only avoids frequent braking and overheating of the braking system, but also improves the convenience of the automatic feeding mixer.
4: When operating the automatic feeding mixer, especially when operating the bucket, the lifting lever and bucket operating lever must be lifted up regularly while the throttle valve is stable to fill the bucket with materials.
5: No tire sideslip. When the automatic concrete loading mixer runs, when it encounters resistance, the accelerator suddenly steps on and the tire often slips. This phenomenon is usually caused by improper driver operation.
This will increase fuel consumption and damage tires. The second is to prevent the rear wheel from tilting. Due to the strong drilling capacity of the automatic loading mixer, the driver usually shovel off the hard original soil and rocky mountains. If the operation is not correct, simply lift the two rear wheels off the ground. The ground inertia of the lifting operation causes the bucket blades to break and deform. If the rear wheel is high, the steel plate and welded parts such as front frame and rear frame will break. The third is to prohibit going up the mountain. When shaving ordinary materials, the automatic feed mixer operates in gear 2, and inertial impact on gear sets above gear 2 is prohibited.
