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发布时间:2022-01-26 来源:http://www.jfhntjbc.com/ 浏览量:0

概述:搅拌一体车冬季雨雪结冰天气开车技巧 Driving skills of integrated mixer in winter rain, snow and ice weather 寒冷的冬季对
Driving skills of integrated mixer in winter rain, snow and ice weather
The cold winter is a severe test for the vehicles shuttling back and forth on the road. You must master certain skills when driving in freezing, rain and snow and other bad weather, otherwise it is easy to have accidents, especially some heavy-duty vehicles, such as mixing vehicles, which have heavy body and large inertia, The all-in-one mixer introduces you some driving skills in bad weather in winter.
There are many foggy days in winter. The appearance of fog seriously affects the driver's line of sight. Therefore, in foggy days, first of all, we must turn on the fog light, and then we must reduce the speed. Many people like to turn on the double flashing light in foggy days. In fact, turning on the double flashing light in foggy days can't play a big role. Another point is that when driving in foggy days, we should sound the horn more often, so that even if the opposite vehicle can't be seen, When you hear the sound of the car horn, you will also slow down. That is, if the fog is very heavy and the visibility is very low, it is recommended to park the vehicle in a flat area and wait until the fog disappears.
Rainy and snowy weather in winter has a great impact on driving. In the case of heavy snow, it is recommended to install anti-skid chains for the integrated mixer. It is better to drive at a low speed and along the ruts. Don't drive along the roadside. Snowy weather also has a great impact on the driver's vision. Drivers must pay attention to it! Rain is better than snow. On rainy days, the road is wet and slippery, and the braking distance of the vehicle will be longer. You must keep the distance between vehicles during driving to prevent rear end collision accidents. If it is freezing rain, you are advised to suspend driving. If you are driving under special circumstances, you can add protective chains to the vehicle and slow down.
There are many road icing in winter, and there are also many vehicle accidents caused by watering and icing in the streets of northern cities and towns. In the weather near zero in winter, the integrated mixer suggests that the environmental sanitation department suspend watering. When encountering icy roads on the way, be sure to hold the steering wheel tightly, don't turn the direction arbitrarily and slow down in advance.
