您好,欢迎光临莱州聚峰机械有限公司网站! 主营自动搅拌车,搅拌一体车,自动上料搅拌车等各种规格的产品。



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发布时间:2022-04-29 来源:http://www.jfhntjbc.com/ 浏览量:0

概述:  搅拌一体车多数时间的施工条件比较恶劣,在生产过程中也会经常出现一些缺点,如不能及时处理,将严重影响工程项目的施工进度与质量。下
  Mixing vehicle most of the time the construction conditions are relatively bad, in the production process will often appear some shortcomings, such as timely treatment, will seriously affect the construction progress and quality of the project. Here we say what is the reason for the phenomenon of holding the axle in the operation of the mixing vehicle.
  The design of feeding device of mixing vehicle is unreasonable. Such as cement and fly ash feed port location and direction is not reasonable, resulting in a large part of the powder into the shaft, so that bonding on the shaft to form a “holding shaft” phenomenon. Flush point position and flush direction is incorrect, or flush pressure is too low.
  When washing the tank, the concrete stuck on the mixing device can not be washed off, forming the phenomenon of “holding the shaft”. The volume utilization ratio of the mixing cylinder is unreasonable, and the volume utilization ratio is too small to expose the mixing shaft to the concrete, and the part of concrete adhered to above will not be stirred and solidified on the shaft to form the phenomenon of “holding the shaft”
  In order to avoid concrete segregation, the linear velocity of the mixing blade should be limited to the maximum value of the outer end of the mixing arm. In this way, at one end close to the mixing shaft, low efficiency zone or even dead zone is formed due to relatively low linear velocity.
  At the same time, with the increase of capacity of mixer, the mixing cylinder radius size is much larger than the height of the mixing blade, so when the stirring shaft rotational blade can only stir up close to add a layer of material for the inner surface of cylinder, the height is the height of the blade, and stir in a big distance between the blade and the stirring shaft materials will not be able to get good agitation.
  Obviously, at this time, the problem of low efficiency mixing zone is more serious. In the low-efficiency area, the mixture moves slowly, and the convection and infiltration of each phase are not intense, which makes the mixture adhere to the mixing shaft easily and form the phenomenon of “holding the shaft”.
  When you are in the process of using the mixing vehicle, if you encounter the phenomenon of holding the axle, you must find out the specific reason in time, so that you can quickly solve it, so as not to affect your normal work. For more information, please contact us at www.jfhntjbc.com.
