您好,欢迎光临莱州聚峰机械有限公司网站! 主营自动搅拌车,搅拌一体车,自动上料搅拌车等各种规格的产品。



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发布时间:2022-05-16 来源:http://www.jfhntjbc.com/ 浏览量:0

With the vigorous development of Construction Engineering in China in recent years, higher requirements are put forward for the quantity and quality of mixers, and the failure rate of mixer truck is rising. Therefore, how to quickly repair the failure of mixer truck has become a practical problem to be solved in construction engineering. It is suggested that the use of mixer truck needs the owner to improve the mechanical maintenance system.
In order to ensure the normal operation of automatic feeding mixer truck, it is also necessary to improve the mechanical maintenance system. On the one hand, it is necessary to establish a planned maintenance system, formulate scientific maintenance intervals according to the maintenance plan during use, and ensure the good operation of the mixer from the principle of prevention first. The other is to establish condition based maintenance system.
Before using the mixer, the maintenance personnel shall carry out maintenance according to the operation conditions, so as to timely find and deal with the operation faults of the mixer and improve the service performance of the mixer. Through the joint application of planned maintenance system and condition decoration system, the comprehensive maintenance of mixer is realized.
Before driving, please carefully check the condition of the vehicle to ensure that the vehicle can drive safely. When the automatic loading mixer is parked in the open air, the mixing drum shall be reversed before charging to discharge ponding and sundries to ensure the quality of concrete. When transporting concrete, the inclined chute must be firmly placed to prevent it from shaking due to looseness during driving, hurting pedestrians or affecting the normal operation of other vehicles.
自动上料搅拌车运输混凝土的时间不能超过搅拌站规定的时间。 混凝土输送过程中,搅拌筒不得长时间停机,防止混凝土离析。 驾驶员应不时观察具体情况,发现异常及时向主控室报告,申请处理。
The time of transporting concrete by automatic loading mixer truck shall not exceed the time specified in the mixing plant. During concrete transportation, the mixing drum shall not be shut down for a long time to prevent concrete segregation. The driver shall observe the specific situation from time to time, report any abnormality to the main control room in time and apply for handling.
车内安装混凝土时,现场滞留时间不得超过1小时。 逾期的,应当要求现场负责人及时处理。自动上料搅拌车运输非泵送物料时,温度高时不得超过2小时,超过2小时后必须卸料。 阴雨天气气温较低时,不宜超过2.5小时。
When installing concrete in the vehicle, the retention time on site shall not exceed 1 hour. If it is overdue, the person in charge of the site shall be required to deal with it in time. When the automatic feeding mixer transports non pumped materials, the temperature shall not exceed 2 hours when the temperature is high, and the materials must be unloaded after more than 2 hours. When the temperature is low in cloudy and rainy weather, it should not exceed 2.5 hours.
混凝土卸料前,应使搅拌筒以10-12r/min的速度转动1分钟,然后卸料。自动上料搅拌车卸料完毕后,立即用车上的软管排水,冲洗进料口、卸料斗和卸料槽,粘在车身上的污垢和残留混凝土。 保持车辆卫生。
Before concrete unloading, the mixing drum shall be rotated at the speed of 10-12r / min for 1 minute, and then unloaded. After the unloading of the automatic loading mixer truck, drain the hose on the truck immediately, wash the feed inlet, discharge hopper and discharge chute, and remove the dirt and residual concrete adhered to the vehicle body. Keep the vehicle clean.
As an important construction machinery, the automatic loading mixer needs scientific and reasonable maintenance and repair from the perspective of engineering technology and management system in the process of specific application, so as to ensure the normal operation and use of the mixer, and accumulate relevant experience of mechanical maintenance in this process to contribute to the maintenance technology of machinery.
The above is the summary that the use of mixer truck needs the owner to improve the mechanical maintenance system. I hope it will be helpful to you. For more information, please visit www.jfhntjbc.com Check it out. Www. 68mn!
