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发布时间:2020-11-03 来源:http://www.jfhntjbc.com/ 浏览量:0

概述:  自动搅拌车之类的混凝土机械在长期使用中不可避免地会出现某些故障。这时,我们需要对机械土壤渣进行一定的清理工作。因此,让我们仔细
  In the long-term use of concrete machinery such as automatic mixer truck, some failures will inevitably occur. At this time, we need to clean up the mechanical soil residue. So let's look at how to clean up the soil properly.
  1. Prepare the emergency drive hose, close the automatic mixer truck, and then remove the high-pressure oil pipe connector on the hydraulic motor.
  2. Close the rescue vehicle, remove the high-pressure oil pipe of the hydraulic motor, and connect the corresponding connector on the fault vehicle with the emergency drive hose.
  3. Launch the rescue vehicle and turn its handle to the discharge position. The concrete inside the faulty vehicle was discharged.
  4. After the emergency drive is completed, remove the drive hose and restore the original state of the two vehicles.
  5. Place a wooden wedge between the drum and raceway to control the rotation of the mixing drum. Please pay attention to safety. Shut down the engine and remove the high pressure oil pipe from the hydraulic motor. The mixing drum can rotate freely.
  6. Control the rotation of the mixing drum, turn the maintenance hole to the lower part, and then open the maintenance hole to clean the concrete in the cylinder. At this time, we must pay attention to safety. After discharging the concrete, please restore the original concrete mixer.
  In general, the proper cleaning of soil residues can ensure the good operation performance of the equipment used. At the same time, in the actual construction operation, we also need to pay more attention to the operation of the equipment, also can avoid some unnecessary faults.
  This is what you know about repairing soil residue. I hope it will help you.
