您好,欢迎光临莱州聚峰机械有限公司网站! 主营自动搅拌车,搅拌一体车,自动上料搅拌车等各种规格的产品。



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发布时间:2021-01-28 来源:http://www.jfhntjbc.com/ 浏览量:0

概述:有很多因素影响着自动搅拌车的产品质量,都有哪些因素?There are many factors affecting the product quality of automatic mi
There are many factors affecting the product quality of automatic mixer, what are the factors?
1、 Accurate selection of raw material quality:
1. Aggregate: the coarse and fine aggregate must be sampled and inspected according to the regulations before being used. The coarse aggregate shall be gravel or crushed pebble with reasonable gradation, good grain shape, uniform and firm texture, and various indexes of coarse aggregate shall meet the requirements of relevant standards and specifications; the content of mud and mud lump shall be controlled, and the inspection shall be carried out in time, and the unqualified ones shall not be allowed to enter the site for unloading.
2. Cement: the cement must be sampled and inspected according to the regulations when entering the site. The standard consistency and temperature of each batch of cement entering the site are required to be tested in time. If there is doubt about the quality, it is strictly forbidden to enter the warehouse, and other index tests shall be continued. The unqualified cement after inspection is strictly forbidden to enter the site. It is strictly forbidden to use the undigested hot cement directly in the project, trace the used cement, and fill in the "cement use traceability table".
3. Mineral admixtures: tested according to the requirements of relevant standards and specifications. The laboratory shall keep abreast of the quality changes of mineral admixtures at any time. When the mineral admixtures enter the site, the water demand ratio, loss on ignition and fineness must be tested, and the products that pass the inspection can be put into the warehouse. Attention shall be paid to the comparison with the previous test results to determine the quality fluctuation and ensure the project quality.
4. Admixtures: when admixtures enter the site, inspection and testing shall be strengthened to check whether the following contents are clearly indicated on the package of admixtures: product name, model, net content or volume, manufacturer name, production date and factory number; whether the contents indicated on the package are consistent with the product instructions and certificates provided by the manufacturer; Whether the liquid admixtures precipitate and exceed the validity period.
2、 The mix proportion of concrete should be correct. The weighing system in the mixing plant should be accurate. There are many factors affecting the product quality of automatic mixer, we should pay more attention to them.
The above is about which factors will affect the product quality of automatic mixer. I hope it can help you. For more wonderful information, please click our website: http://www.jfhntjbc.com
