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发布时间:2020-12-11 来源:http://www.jfhntjbc.com/ 浏览量:0

概述:  驱动装置的作用是驱动混凝土贮罐转动,它由取力器、万向轴、液压泵、液压马达、操纵阀、液压油箱及冷却装置组成。如果这部分因故障停止
  The driving device is used to drive the concrete storage tank to rotate. It is composed of power take-off, universal axis, hydraulic pump, hydraulic motor, control valve, hydraulic oil tank and cooling device. If this part stops working due to fault, the self feeding concrete mixer will not be able to rotate, which will lead to the scrapping of the concrete in the truck, and even make the whole tank of concrete coagulate in the tank, resulting in the scrapping of the automatic feeding concrete mixer. Therefore, whether the driving device is reliable or not is a problem that must be attached great importance to in use. In order to ensure the integrity and reliability of the drive device, the following maintenance work should be done well:
  1. The universal rotating part is a fault prone part, so grease shall be added on time, and the wear condition shall be checked regularly, and the repair and replacement shall be carried out in time. The team should have spare cardan shaft assembly to ensure that it can resume work in dozens of minutes in case of failure.
  2. Ensure that the hydraulic oil is clean. The working environment of automatic loading concrete mixer is bad, so it is necessary to prevent dirty cement sand from entering the hydraulic system. The hydraulic oil should be replaced regularly according to the requirements of the manual. Once it is found that the hydraulic oil is mixed with water or sediment, it is necessary to stop the machine immediately to clean the hydraulic system and replace the hydraulic oil.
  3. Ensure that the hydraulic oil cooling device is effective. The hydraulic oil radiator should be cleaned regularly to prevent the radiator from being blocked by cement, and check whether the electric fan of radiator operates normally to prevent the temperature of hydraulic oil exceeding the standard. As long as the hydraulic oil is clean, there are not many faults in the hydraulic part, but the service life varies with the manufacturer.
