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发布时间:2022-06-20 来源:http://www.jfhntjbc.com/ 浏览量:0

All vehicles have to be repaired, and so does the mixer. The model of mixer truck is quite large, and it is not easy to maintain. Today, we will take the mixer as an example to talk about the maintenance of the mixer. Some security risks.
1. Pay attention to the maintenance of tire bulge of automatic feeding mixer. If the mixer tire is used for a long time, the steel wire layer inside will gradually break. If it is not replaced in time, the damage will become more and more serious, eventually forming a bulged tire, forming a bulged tire. The pressure resistance becomes very unbalanced, and it is easy to burst the tire. When repairing such tyres, you need to pay great attention to safety.
2. The water tank cover cannot be opened at will. When the mixer truck engine is overheated and the heat dissipation efficiency is poor, the water tank temperature will be too high, and even boiling phenomenon will occur. Keep the engine idling for sufficient heat dissipation. Do not open the water tank cover before the water tank temperature drops to a safe level, otherwise the coolant will easily spray out. The correct method is to wrap the water tank with a wet towel, slowly turn on a switch and wait for the water vapor to appear. After the pressure is completely released, the tank cover can be opened.
3. Do not disassemble the oil pipe joint at will. When the high-pressure common rail diesel engine works, the fuel pressure generated inside it can be as high as 200MPa, which is equivalent to a car pressing on the finger. On the other hand, if someone is injured, the consequences are unimaginable. Therefore, the pressure must be relieved before removing the oil pipe.
4. Pay attention to the lifting of the cab of the automatic feeding mixer. If the gearbox, engine, clutch, etc. of the mixer truck need to be repaired, the cab usually needs to be turned over. When shifting the gear to neutral, the cab must be rotated in place, otherwise the locking device will not work and may fall off under the action of external force. Cause irreparable losses.
The maintenance of mixer truck is also dangerous. If you are not sure, please do not repair your mixer at will. The above is the relevant content about the problem shared for you today. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more, you can contact us by phone or follow our website http://www.jfhntjbc.com 。
