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发布时间:2022-07-18 来源:http://www.jfhntjbc.com/ 浏览量:0

As for the recycling and reprocessing of automobile tires, the state has formulated strict standards, but some enterprises turn old tires into new tires through grinding, repairing and other processes. If you buy retreaded tires, you will not only be cheated, but also affect the driver's life safety. Let's see how to recognize them.
At first glance, through the color and gloss of the tire, the tread of the new tire shows blue light, and the color is more natural. Second touch, press the tire surface with your fingers, and the tread of the new tire of the small mixer will not leave fingerprints. Pull the rubber nails and wear marks on the tire tread by hand. If it is not easy to be torn off, it is usually a new tire. Gently tap the tread of the tire with a hard object, and the new tire will not leave scratches.
It should be avoided to park the vehicle on the road with thick, sharp or sharp stones. Vehicles should not be parked near or in contact with petroleum products, acids and other materials that affect the deterioration of tire rubber. The mixer driver should try not to turn the steering wheel after parking, which will accelerate the wear of tires.
In the use and maintenance of automatic mixer tires, don't forget an important tire - spare tire. The spare tire is provided by the manufacturer, but car owners often forget to maintain it. Therefore, we suggest that the mixer driver should check the spare tire every three months. If the spare tire is found to be out of air, inflate it in time, so as to avoid finding it unusable when you need it.
Many automobile maintenance experts say that the vehicle should be "repaired in three parts and maintained in seven parts". Don't wait until there is a fault before driving to the maintenance station for maintenance. The regular maintenance of vehicles is also closely related to the extension of tire life. Regular inspection and maintenance of four-wheel alignment, steering knuckle, vehicle bearing and suspension system cannot be less. Timely transposition of tires, selection of appropriate tread patterns, daily maintenance, regular inspection of tire pressure, timely repair and frequent excavation of stones and foreign bodies in tread patterns are all important factors to prolong tire life.
The quality of the tires of the automatic feeding mixer is directly related to the safe driving of the vehicle. Therefore, every vehicle user must pay attention to and have a set of methods to identify the tires of automatic mixing vehicles. Come to our website for more relevant content http://www.jfhntjbc.com Take a look.
