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发布时间:2021-01-18 来源:http://www.jfhntjbc.com/ 浏览量:0

The production of a concrete mixer needs the right chassis and the right top decoration. The chassis comes from the manufacturer of chassis brand, and then the top decoration is carried out in the refitting plant of the mixer. Today, I will give you the refitting knowledge of concrete mixer.
First of all, it is necessary to follow certain rules in the modification of mixer
1. 搅拌车改装部分的结构及改装部分与车架了解的合理性。
1. The structure of the modified part of the mixer and the rationality of understanding the modified part and the frame.
2. 搅拌车改装需求在原底盘上进行加工的合理性。
2. The rationality of the modification of the mixer on the original chassis.
3. 及法规限制的项目等等。
3. Safety and regulatory restrictions, etc.
4. 改装后,混凝土搅拌车整车总质量不得超过允许的总质量,各轴轴载质量不得超过允许的大限度轴载质量。
4. After refitting, the total mass of concrete mixer truck shall not exceed the permitted total mass, and the axle load mass of each axle shall not exceed the permitted maximum axle load mass.
5. 载荷分布应左右根本均匀,偏差不得超过30%。
5. The load distribution should be uniform and the deviation should not exceed 30%.
6. 方位要尽或许低,但有必要留有车轮弹跳高度所需的空间。
6. The position of the center of gravity should be as low as possible, but it is necessary to reserve the space for the wheel bounce height.
7. 改装后的混凝土搅拌车的外形尺寸不得超过限值,后悬不得超过标准限值。
7. The overall dimension of the modified concrete mixer shall not exceed the limit value, and the rear suspension shall not exceed the standard limit value.
8. 改装后的搅拌车要确保修理、保养的方便性。
8. The refitted mixer should ensure the convenience of repair and maintenance.
9. 改装不允许随意改动搅拌车的轴距,关于加长、缩短车架纵梁、改动横梁的方位等特殊情况,有必要向供底盘部分的技术人员进行咨询,避免呈现改装的质量问题。
9. Modification is not allowed to change the wheelbase of the mixer at will. It is necessary to consult the technical personnel of the chassis for special circumstances such as lengthening, shortening the frame longitudinal beam and changing the orientation of the cross beam, so as to avoid the quality problems of modification.
10. 改装后的混凝土搅拌车有必要满意我国现行的法规要求。
10. It is necessary for the modified concrete mixer to meet the requirements of current laws and regulations in China.
The modified mixer must meet the following requirements:
1. 改装好的搅拌车有必要确保其功用和工作性,以及一切运动部件的运动空间。
1. It is necessary to ensure the function and safety of the modified mixer, as well as the movement space of all moving parts.
2. 要确保搅拌车改装部分由足够的修理空间,特别是各光滑点、紧固螺栓、蓄电池和制动设备零件的可操作空间。
2. Make sure that there is enough repair space for the modified part of the mixer, especially for the smooth points, fastening bolts, batteries and brake equipment parts.
3. 日常保养的各检查及光滑点,有必要确保不用任何拆开就可进行。
3. It is necessary to ensure that the inspection and smooth points of daily maintenance can be carried out without any disassembly.
4. 答应对发动机的冷却系统进行更改,但不能妨碍空气的吸入和废气的排出。
4. It is allowed to change the cooling system of the engine, but it shall not hinder the intake of air and the discharge of exhaust gas.
5. 装置改装部分时,总成及各个部件有必要确保通过性,运转性,可靠性,功用及修理保养的方便性。
5. When the device is refitted, it is necessary for the assembly and various parts to ensure the safety of passage, operation safety, reliability, function and convenience of repair and maintenance.
6. 当改装部分伸出驾驶室之上时,应确保驾驶室能够自在的翻转。
6. When the modified part extends over the cab, the cab shall be able to turn over freely.
7. 改装后的搅拌车不得影响其行进、制动和转向功能。
7. The modified mixer shall not affect its travel, braking and steering functions.
After reading the above, do you think that the modification of concrete mixer is not so easy? In fact, these are just some of the requirements. There are many technical requirements for the modification of concrete mixer truck. If you want to know more wonderful content, please pay more attention to our website.
