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发布时间:2022-08-24 来源:http://www.jfhntjbc.com/ 浏览量:0

概述:炎炎夏日的到来让自动搅拌车司机工作辛苦又沉闷,怎么能少得了空调的陪伴呢?今天和大家分享一下空调系统无风或风力不足时故障排除方法。 T
The arrival of the hot summer makes the automatic mixer driver work hard and boring. How can he be accompanied by the air conditioner? Today, I would like to share with you the troubleshooting methods for the air conditioning system when there is no wind or the wind is insufficient.
1. When the blower switch is in any gear and the air outlet is not blowing, first check whether the fuse is open. If the fuse is open, check whether the capacity of the fuse meets the requirements, check whether the circuit and the armature winding of the blower motor are grounded, find out the cause and repair or replace it.
If the fuse is in good condition, check the voltage on the blower switch wire. If the voltage is zero, check whether the coil of the air conditioner relay is open, whether the contact is closed, whether the central circuit board and the connecting line are open. If the voltage is normal, check whether the blower switch is damaged and whether the blower grounding is good. If the above checks are normal, repair the blower motor.
2. When the blower motor can not rotate only at a certain gear, check whether the gear of the blower switch is conductive, and whether the connecting wire between the gear and the gear resistance and the gear resistance are open, and repair it according to the specific situation.
3. When the blower switch is in any gear, the blower motor rotates slowly, and the air volume at each air outlet is small. Generally, the blower motor is damaged or the blower switch and connecting wire are in poor contact. Check whether the connectors of the connecting wire are loose, whether the grounding of the blower motor is good, and whether the contact points of the blower switch are good. Then repair the blower motor.
4. The blower motor operates normally, but there is no air at individual air outlets or the air volume is too small. Check whether there is any foreign matter blocking in the air outlet tank channel of the air outlet, whether the air door can be opened, and whether the connecting pipes at each side are sealed. Repair it according to the specific situation.
The troubleshooting of insufficient air volume or no air in the air conditioning system of the mixer truck is explained from four aspects. If you have any ideas or questions about this, please come to our website http://www.jfhntjbc.com Ask for answers.
