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发布时间:2022-02-28 来源:http://www.jfhntjbc.com/ 浏览量:0

自动上料搅拌车是由主要部件和工作装置两部分组成的。主要部件是所有自动上料搅拌车都必须有的。工作装置是适应不同用途所特有的。,一、主要部件包括发动机,变矩器,变速箱,前、后驱动桥,简称四大件:,1、发动机。,2、变矩器上有三个泵,工作泵(供应举升,翻斗压力油)转向泵(供应转向压力油)变速泵也称行走泵(供 应变矩器,变速箱压力油),有些机型转向泵上还装有先导泵(供应操纵阀先导压力油)。3、工作液压油路,液压油箱,
The automatic feeding mixer is composed of two parts: main parts and working device. The main components are necessary for all automatic feeding mixers. The working device is unique for different purposes., 1、 The main components include engine, torque converter, gearbox, front and rear drive axles, which are referred to as four major parts for short: 1. Engine., 2. There are three pumps on the torque converter, working pump (supply lifting and tipping pressure oil), steering pump (supply steering pressure oil) variable speed pump, also known as travel pump (supply torque converter and transmission pressure oil). Some models of steering pump are also equipped with pilot pump (supply control valve pilot pressure oil). 3. Working hydraulic oil circuit, hydraulic oil tank,
What are the reasons for the overload of small concrete mixer?
In the special working environment, the small concrete mixer will inevitably cause the temperature of the equipment to be too high. In addition, the high temperature in summer will increase the friction of the parts of the mixer during operation, and then a large part of heat will be generated. The following is a brief understanding of what will happen if the load is too large?
Work pump, multi-way valve, lifting cylinder and tipping cylinder., 4. Traveling oil circuit: transmission oil pan oil, traveling pump, one way to the torque converter, one way to the gear valve, and transmission clutch., 5. Drive: transmission shaft, main differential, wheel reducer., 6. Steering oil circuit: oil tank, steering pump, steady flow valve (or priority valve), steering gear and steering cylinder., 7. There are two kinds of transmission: integrated (planetary type) and split (fixed shaft type)., 2、 Working device: 7. The gearbox has two types: integrated (planetary type) and split (fixed shaft type).
How to solve the electric shock of concrete mixer?
If the operator is not trained, the mixer does not understand the knowledge of electricity, and the correct operation mode is not followed during operation, it is easy to cause electric shock accidents.
