您好,欢迎光临莱州聚峰机械有限公司网站! 主营自动搅拌车,搅拌一体车,自动上料搅拌车等各种规格的产品。



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发布时间:2022-04-18 来源:http://www.jfhntjbc.com/ 浏览量:0

概述:  自动上料搅拌车的选购是很多用户很注重的事情,毕竟一旦选不好,那么后期的麻烦就会很多,在此厂家提醒您自动上料搅拌车的选购要注重搅
  The purchase of automatic feeding mixer is a lot of users pay attention to things, after all, once the selection is not good, then there will be a lot of trouble in the later period, the manufacturer reminds you to pay attention to the quality of the mixing tank in the purchase of automatic feeding mixer! Why do you say that? Check it out.
  The mixing tank of the automatic feeding mixer is the only place for mixing concrete, and the wear resistance must be good. The blades in the mixing tank also need high strength and wear resistance, and the concrete stirred should be of good quality. In this respect, the superior heavy mixing tank has obvious advantages.
  Good automatic feeding mixer mixing tank with forced agitator, forced agitator can ensure that all raw materials in the process of mixing are rotating on the same root core, uniform mixing, ensure that the sand does not precipitate, stir out of the concrete in accordance with the standard.
  In order to prevent the mixing tank in the process of rotation and friction with the bottom of serious loss, youheavy also developed the tug swing technology, can avoid the mixing tank and the bottom tray friction, so that the mixing tank wear is small, longer life, mixing truck can also be used for a longer time.
  In addition, automatic feeding agitator often operates under high load, so the stability of the hydraulic system is highly required. In the purchase of automatic feeding mixer, to ask what brand of hydraulic pump is used, how the performance. Especially in the details is very can see the characteristics of a brand, so the hydraulic system in the connection material, joints and so on are asked clearly.
  The purchase of automatic feeding mixer should pay attention to the quality of the mixing tank. This is the end of the problem. When buying a mixer, you can not only take a look at one aspect, but also need to view and compare in many ways.
