您好,欢迎光临莱州聚峰机械有限公司网站! 主营自动搅拌车,搅拌一体车,自动上料搅拌车等各种规格的产品。



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发布时间:2020-09-08 来源:http://www.jfhntjbc.com/ 浏览量:0

概述:  1 油箱磨损损伤自动上料搅拌车在使用时,发现油箱漏油,可将漏油处擦干净,用肥皂或口香糖涂在漏油处,暂时堵塞;用环氧树脂胶粘剂修补
  1. When the oil tank is worn and damaged and the automatic feeding mixer is in use, if oil leakage is found in the oil tank, the oil leakage can be wiped clean, and soap or gum can be used to coat the oil leakage to temporarily block it; epoxy resin adhesive is used to repair the oil tank, and the effect is better.
  2. When the oil pipe breaks, clean the broken part, coat it with soap, wrap it with cloth or adhesive tape, tie it with iron wire, and then apply a layer of soap.
  3. When the oil pipe is broken, a rubber or plastic pipe suitable for the diameter of the oil pipe can be used for sleeve connection. If the sleeve connection is not tight enough, both ends shall be bound with iron wire to prevent oil leakage.
  4. If there are sand holes in the cylinder head and other parts of the cement mixer truck, according to the size of the sand holes, the electrician's fuse of the corresponding specifications can be selected and gently smashed into the sand hole with a hammer to prevent oil leakage and water leakage.
  5. When the mixer truck is used, if the engine oil pipe joint leaks, it is mostly caused by the oil pipe bell mouth and the oil pipe nut are not sealed. Cotton yarn can be wound around the lower edge of the horn, and then the oil pipe nut and the oil pipe joint can be tightened; the bubble gum or maltose can be chewed into paste and coated on the seat of the oil pipe nut, which will play a sealing role after drying and setting. It can also be made of artificial leather or leather trousers by cutting or smashing it into holes. A section of plastic pipe can also be used for cutting and forming.
  6. If the sedimentation cup is broken, sleeve the inlet and outlet pipes of the sedimentation cup with tape or plastic pipe, so that the oil does not pass through the sedimentation cup.
  7. When the water inlet and outlet hose is not broken, the leaking part can be wrapped up with a layer of soap; if the rupture is large, cut off the broken part of the hose, put a bamboo pipe or iron pipe in the middle, and bind it with iron wire.
  8. If the fan belt is broken, the broken belt can be tied in series with iron wire or the car can be driven away by using the method of start stop stop.
  9. The screw hole sliding buckle causes oil leakage or the connecting rod is loose, which makes it unable to work. At this time, the original screw can be flattened with a hammer to enlarge the expansion on both sides, and then fasten it well. However, it can not be disassembled for many times, and it will be repaired in the next maintenance.
  The above is about automatic feeding mixer emergency repair tips, I hope to help you, if you want to know more, welcome to click our http://www.jfhntjbc.com Website.
